The Fortress Hill
This is the center of Berand's physical world and spiritual being. It is halfway between the place he was born and the bridge over the Rhine at Basilia, the gateway to his expression as warrior. Berand's father is buried on the hill as will be others of equal importance to him.
There are three runes in the picture. The obvious one is berkana, the 'b' in the tree roots. Berkana is the rune of rebirth and renewal, sanctuary and becoming. The other two runes are hidden in the branches of the two guardian trees. Othala is in the tree branches on the left. It means homeland, both earthy and spiritual. Perthro is in the branches on the right. It is the rune of the unknown, of destiny and probability.
An excellent web site for runes is
This illustration is colored pencil on
Strathmore drawing paper.